
Vision Statement – To promote and provide hockey playing opportunities to individuals at all abilities and ages and to enhance sporting experience of club members. To bring the sport of hockey to a wider audience and to encourage new players and supporters of the sport.

Ethos – Telford and Wrekin Hockey Club is an open and inclusive club welcoming players from all abilities, ages and backgrounds to enjoy both the playing and social aspects of hockey.

We provide the opportunities to support and develop players to the best of their abilities and grow hockey within the community.

High level Aims and Objectives –

·        Promotion of good Hockey for all Club Players

·        Teams at all levels to develop their hockey potential and play at their highest suitable level

·        Development of our Youth section

·        To promote a good club culture & ethos

·        To provide good facilities and environment for all club members

The plan be access via the link below.

The club has a transparent constitution with a dissolution clause and clear purpose in line with England Hockey recommendations

The club has an appropriate level of insurance

  • Club Membership Insurance 2022_23

Insurance is provided through England Hockey - details can be found on the link below.

All members are recommended to consider whether personal insurance cover would be appropriate.

In particular, coaches, umpires and volunteers are recommended to consider appropriate public liability cover as provided by Midlands Hockey or England Hockey. The Club’s insurance does not prevent them being sued as individuals for actions or omissions. Those interested may find some useful advice on insurance at the link below.

All vehicle insurances, where youth players are transported to or from training, matches and social events, are required to include cover for injury to passengers. Such travel is NOT included in the club’s insurance policy.

The club is governed by a committee who face regular election, following which they meet regularly, with decision making recorded and communicated to members

As per TWHC Constitution,

 The Management of the Club shall be the responsibility of the Management Committee which shall comprise of the following Officers and who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting: 

Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Head of Hockey – Men’s, Head of Hockey – Women’s, Head of Hockey – Juniors , Social Secretary, Junior Coordinator and Head of Safeguarding and Welfare (the “Officers”). Other individuals may be invited by the Chairman to attend meetings of the Management Committee or any of its sub-committees as appropriate in a non-voting capacity. 

All members are nominated and elected at the AGM which is held every year.

Job descriptions are available for all positions within the Committee.

Any vacancies between Annual General Meetings occurring among the Officers, Team Captains or any other official of the Club whose appointment is usually approved at the Annual General Meeting, may be filled by the Management Committee.

All Officers shall retire annually at the Annual General Meeting but can be eligible for re-election. 

Decisions made by the Management Committee will be by simple majority of those members of the commttee present.

The Members may by General Meeting resolution direct the Management Committee to take, or to refrain from taking, a specified action.

The Management Committee shall meet as often as it deems necessary during the year and prior notice must be issued to all Officers stating the date, time and venue of the meeting. Such notice need not be in writing. 

The Management Committee may delegate any of its powers to such person or sub-committee as it thinks fit.

Committee meetings are held once a month during the season and both a month before and after the season finishes 

Minutes are taken by the Secretary and dates and times and venue of the next meeting are confirmed.

Minutes of the previous meetings are recorded, reviewed and signed by the Chairman.

The minutes are available to members and are published on the members section on the TWHC Website.

• Minutes that may contain sensitive information are not widely published for all members

• Minutes are stored and archived by the Secretary 

• We provide training where appropriate for all Committee members  

The club has a specific bank account with two independent signatories or suitable online banking requirements.

Accounts are independently reviewed annually and made available to members

The Treasurer Role

  • Be responsible for all club finances
  • Advise and report to the committee on all matters financial
  • Prepare a set of audited accounts for presentation to AGM year, with associated commentary
  • Prepare annual budget and make recommendations for annual subscription rates and weekly match fees for the season ahead
  • Maintain all financial paperwork.
  • Monitor receipt of all funds.
  • Receive, validate and arrange payment of all bills
  • Ensure that club has public liability insurance
  • Pay affiliation fees as appropriate
  • Provide financial status report to each committee meeting

The club has adopted England Hockey Safeguarding Young People Policy and Procedures, Equality Policy and Code of Ethics and Behaviour (Respect)


Telford and Wrekin Hockey Club [T&WHC] is strongly committed to encouraging our members to take part in all aspects of hockey but the health, well-being and safety of each individual is always our paramount concern.

We recommend levels of training dependent on age and ability and expect our junior athletes particularly to participate within these boundaries.


We are committed to the following duties:

  • Create a safe environment by putting in health and safety measures as identified by the club’s own risk assessment.
  • Understand and work to the risk assessments and method statements of our facility providers. The club will work in partnership with its facility providers on any identified health and safety issue raised by either party.
  • Undertake and recorded further risks established by the Clubs own risk assessment.
  • Ensure that all members are given the appropriate level of training and competition by regularly assessing individual ability dependent on age, maturity and development.
  • Ensure that all members are aware of, understand and follow the club’s health and safety policy.
  • Appoint a competent club member to assist with health and safety responsibilities.
  • Ensure that normal operating procedures and any emergency operating procedures are in place and known by all members.
  • Provide access to adequate first aid facilities, telephone access and where practicable qualified first aiders.
  • Report any injuries or accidents sustained whilst engaged in any club activity in line with T&WHC Injury/Accident Procedures (England Hockey Injury Policy)
  • Ensure that the implementation of the policy is reviewed annually or when by virtue of an incident circumstance change.


  • Take reasonable care for your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by acts or omissions.
  • Co-operate with the club on health and safety issues.
  • Correctly use all equipment provided by the club for the purpose of health and safety.
  • Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided for your health, safety or welfare.
  • Follow Health and Safety, Accident and Injury, Safeguarding and all other relevant Policies and Procedures signposted by the Club


Chris Nightingale (Temp)

Roles and Provision:

  • Telford and Wrekin Hockey Club use St Georges Recreation Ground for both pitch and clubhouse.

Nominated Health and Safety Member:

  • To review the HS policy annually or when events/changes are such the policy requires reassessment.
  • To review facility providers RAMS and their impact upon T&WHC’s duties and obligations.
  • To maintain a record of significant findings.

Executive Committee:

  • To ratify the clubs Health and Safety Policy as part of the safeguarding self assessment.

Club Secretary:

  • To retain all documents relating to the safeguarding self-assessment.

First Aid:

Location of first aid facilities

  • The leadership team will have access to first aid provision by way of a personal kits for coaching groups or team use. Kits are also stored in the Training Shed and Pitch side Office. Accident Report book stored in the pitch side office.

Hospital Transfer:

  • All facilities are easily accessible by Ambulance.


  • Mobile phones will be available from within each team Leadership Group in case of accident or injury and/or if the host facilities office is closed.


  • All facilities have fire assembly points. It is recommended that all members make themselves aware of fire exits at all indoor locations.

Additional Notes:

  • This policy should be read in conjunction with the CRHC Safeguarding policy and Accident and Injury Policies and Procedures.
  • The Health and Safety Policy forms part of the Safeguarding Self-Assessment, reviewed annually as part of the club’s England Hockey Affiliation.
  • This policy will be supported by St. Georges' Recreation Ground and Public Hall Management Committee. (SGMC) We are required to review our policy each year as part of SGMC own policy review.
  • The SGMC will support TWHC in arranging the fixed electrical, PAT, emergency light tests and the check of fire extinguishers.
  • SGMC themselves hold a H&S policy that covers the old pavilion and groundmen's shed for various other aspects of H&S such as COSHH, first aid, PPE and use and maintenance of equipment. Policy available upon request.


The club delivers sessions in a safe environment that complies with legal requirements

1. Overall and final responsibility for Health & Safety is that of:

The Executive Hockey Committee

2. Day to day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice is delegated to:

Health & Safety Sub- Group on behalf of the Executive Committee

3. To ensure Health & Safety standards are maintained/improved, the following people have responsibility in the following areas:



1. Ensuring safe Senior Matches

Seniors Captains

2. Ensuring safe Junior Matches

Juniors Manager/Coach

3. Ensuring safe Junior Training

All Coaches present

4. Ensuring safe Senior Training 

All Coaches present

5. Ensuring safe Plant & Equipment (Ground machinery, Goals, training equipment)

Maintenance Team

6. Ensuring safe Changing Rooms 

Senior Captains, Coach

7. Ensuring safe handling and use of substances 

Maintenance Team

8. Providing information, instruction and supervision

H&S Representatives

9. Accidents, first aid and activity related ill health H&S

H&S Representatives

10. Emergency procedures (fire and evacuation) 

H&S Representatives

11. Consultation with members about health & safety

H&S Representatives

12. Monitoring of Health & Safety

H&S Representatives

4. All members have to:

• Co-operate with those responsible for Health & Safety matters

• Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard Health & Safety

• Take reasonable care of their own Health & Safety and

• Report all Health & Safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed in this policy statement)

Hazard & Risk Assessments

A Hazards Assessment (identifying things that might cause harm) is carried out in each of the areas of responsibility (1-11) listed in the above table on at least an annual basis (usually at the start of the Hockey season) and or as new hazards are identified.

A Risk Assessment for each hazard will be carried out to identify which people are at risk of harm from the hazard and whether the risk of harm is high or low.

Where the risk is deemed to be high, the necessary controls to reduce the risk to an acceptable level will be listed.

The Hazards & Risk Assessment will be recorded on the attached form and kept in the Hockey Club Health & Safety File

• This is a risk assessment form which is used to look at potential hazards that may cause an accident at your club grounds (pitch, clubhouse, changing rooms etc) 

Recent Risk Assessments

Fire & Evacuation Precautions

Should an alarm be raised when you are in any of the hockey changing rooms you should proceed to the nearest exit. Do not stop to collect personal possessions. Do not re-enter the building. Report to the person in charge to ensure that everybody has safely evacuated the building


The club’s policy on smoking consists of restrictions and guidelines that are based on the needs of Health & Safety and comfort of fellow members.

Smoking is not permitted in club buildings

Accident & Safety Procedures

The Hockey Club has first aid facilities located at the Pitch side Office, Training Shed, Social Club Bar. Senior Captains also carry First Aid kits. Accident report book is located in the pitch side office. 

The following Hockey Club members are approved first aiders:

Frozen Pitches/ Cancellation 

It is important that the Lead Coach and/ or Safety Officer make decisions as to whether a coaching session needs to be cancelled and are supported in their decisions. 

When a frost is forecast (temperature forecast to drop below 3°C, it is recommended that the pitch is checked about 30-40 mins prior to the session to allow time to cancel and communicate with players. The lead coach or Safety Officer will check the pitch and cancel if it is frozen to avoid potential injuries from players falling on a slippery surface or landing on a hard frozen surface. 

Notifications are sent on Teamo but it is recommended that for Junior training, the coach stays to turn players away and ensure that the pitch is locked and lights turned off, when leaving. 

The pitch will sometimes freeze during a session and the lead coach and/ or Safety Officer should review the state of the pitch and if necessary stop the session and cancel any subsequent sessions that evening. The lead coach and/ or Safety Officer should ensure all juniors have been picked up and ensure that the pitch is locked and lights turned off, when leaving. 

Access to Medical Records 

Medical records for players should be kept securely so that coaches can access them in case of emergency. Parents and adult players should provide medical details when registering and these are held on Teamo and access is provided to coaches. Club administrators are very likely to be available by phone if there is a problem accessing Teamo and should be contacted. 

Although it is the responsibility of adult players and parents of junior players and to determine their fitness to play, it is good practice for coaches ask groups if there are injuries or issues to take into account during training. 

Emergency Services 

Contact emergency services by dialing 999 - it is recommended that coaches ensure they have a charged mobile with an adequate signal whilst running sessions. 

The pitch is situated at ST Georges recreation Ground, Church Street, TF2 9LU.

Once an ambulance has been called and is expected to arrive shortly, ask an adult to wait by the bottom gate to guide the ambulance in. If an ambulance requires access to the pitch itself, there is a double gate and the padlock uses the same key at the other padlocks - there is a spare available in the pitch side office. 

A defibrillator is available on the side of the clubhouse main entrance and on the pitch. The emergency services can provide the access code for the defibrillator and the unit provides guided instructions so no training is required. 


Telford and Wrekin Hockey Club is committed to the principles of equality of opportunity. The Hockey Club aims to ensure that all people, irrespective of age, gender, ability, race, religion, ethnic origin, creed, colour, social status or sexual orientation have a genuine and equal opportunity to participate in hockey at all levels and in all roles. This includes all members and spectators.

Telford and Wrekin Hockey Club adheres to the guidelines laid out by England Hockey - that can be found here; Inclusion & Diversity

Generally Telford and Wrekin Hockey Club shall:

• Ensure that there will be open access to all its services.

• Select and train all members of Telford and Wrekin Hockey Club solely on the basis of merit & ability and by adapting facilities and equipment where necessary and reasonably possible.

• Communicate to all members its commitment to equal opportunities.

• Fulfil its social responsibility to all members ensuring that appropriate support is given.

• Make every reasonable effort to prepare and produce materials that are appropriate for all persons in respect of language, format and approach.

• Modify any existing rules and regulations that may inhibit the inclusion of any groups, provided this does not result in the deterioration of equality required by EH.

• Telford and Wrekin Hockey Club recognises its legal obligations and will take account of those applicable legal Act, of which further information can be found at the above England Hockey link.

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